• Surrounded by darkness
    drowning in pain
    smothered in silence
    held down by these chains

    tighter they wrap
    you're gasping for air
    you can't catch your breath
    now overwhelmed with despair

    feeling the pressure
    crying the tears
    left hopeless and broken
    for your screams no one hears

    feeling so abandoned
    trying not to cry
    trying not to think of
    how bad they want you to die

    out of desperation
    you drag a blade across your wrist
    making it sink deeper
    for you know you won't be missed

    blood running from the wounds
    your wrist innocent and scarred
    the proclein sink turns crimson
    then you suddenly hit the floor hard

    pain now easing softly
    razor blade still in hand
    you hope they're finally happy
    for your death went just as planned.