• i took a walk down a path i thought was good
    but when i went down i found there was no such luck
    as i was dragged down this horrible hell like path
    i wanted to give up, i want to give up.

    As i wallowed in this place of darkness
    a place i cannot name
    i felt like life had given up
    i felt like i was insane

    until from the darkness
    i saw a shining light
    i saw a figure imerge
    twas an angel, twas a sight

    she pciked me up from my defeated knees
    and told me to get a grip
    she told me to be happy
    i said i couldn't

    she looked at me with disapointment
    she picked me up and slapped me round
    and she said
    "happyness is for those who believe"

    as she looked at me with anger
    i knew she ment well
    i saw this as a wake up call
    i had to get out of this hell

    she walked off with a smile
    and said you decide what happens to your life
    i picked myself up with her words in my heart
    as i headed for my path

    i as i speak now
    i am still on my path striving for happyness
    but whoever reads this know
    that when you fall dont give up
    you must pick yourself up and keep going
    and remember

    "happyness is for those who believe"