• This day we gave thanks
    For a gift He had given
    Oh, so long ago.

    A virgin gave birth
    In a small little manger
    To a son of God.

    He is our Savior.
    And miracles he gave us
    To help improve us.

    He had Disciples
    And taught them a religion
    And told them of God.

    Some others were scared
    And thought he was harmful
    And avoided him.

    But some took action
    And nailed him upon a cross.
    And a crown of thorns.

    As he hung dying
    Many came to pray and cry
    As he was to die.

    And then he came back
    After he was laid to rest
    And he went to God.

    And we celebrate
    The day that our Christ was born
    On that cold, silent night.