• Another year is gone, so many things have happen,
    we have learned somethings and forgotten others but here inside
    my soul nothing, nothing has changed, I always have you with me
    i'm still so much in love. The christmas lights of my tree look like they
    talk abou you, between smiles i feel how you are not here. I see my face
    in the mirror my skin is pale and in the agony of this year i feel like i'm
    dying with it.

    Christmas is here and I'm without you in this loneliness, I still remember
    the day I lost you, I don't know where you are, but truly for I wish for
    your happiness in this christmas.

    The same thing has happen to me always, always, when this days arrive
    and now i have the gift that you always asked me for, then I see that
    picture where I'm next to you, I put it against my chest and I think
    Another christmas without you.