• I, little rumble, used an umbrella romance
    I, little rumble, used an umbrella romance
    to escape among a fanciful, cascading wave.
    to escape among a fanciful, cascading wave.
    A fanciful romance rumbles among cascading
    waves which I used a little umbrella to escape.

    Playoffs bruised a singsong life ending
    Playoffs bruised a singsong life ending
    becoming boring with talk of charming rocky.
    becoming boring with talk of charming rocky.
    Singsong playoffs become a bruised life
    with charming talk of boring, rocky endings.

    I have, yet aside from a fake reality,
    I have, yet aside from a fake reality,
    a prince which I sit out to see melisma for.
    a prince which I sit out to see melisma for.
    I sit aside a fake out reality (which I have
    yet to see melisma from) for a prince.

    I sit aside a melisma singsong romance playoff
    for a rumble among rocky waves talking
    about what life becomes with out a little bruising:
    a boring, cascading fake used to umbrella
    a fanciful ending of which I have yet to see
    a Prince Charming escape from to reality.