• I started as nothing,
    Then I grew into something!
    So fast it spread,
    Dividing and multiplying,
    Every cell within a task in the brisk,

    Then I don't remember much,
    Of that childhood I had,
    It was so long ago,
    Yet at the same time it was so short of a time,
    Fast as a blur it passed,
    For every reason it had,

    Then it fell,
    My light had gone,
    Nothing seemed to work,
    Everything was a lurk,
    Darkness was my friend,
    I hated everything,
    And that, my friend, should have been the end,

    But now it is here,
    I love it all,
    I get along with more,
    I like the dark but accept the light,
    I'm happy as can be,
    With me, myself, and I
    But who can we thank
    Only her of course,

    Now I hope the future holds,
    This same view I have on life,
    Because if it does then I can say,
    I'm never going to want to let go,
    Of anything or anyone,
    As long as I am,
    Me, Myself, And I