• A small display of innocence;
    Her smile can't be brighter.
    As a child she laughs and plays,
    He runs and tries to find her.

    Ignorance is bliss, they say.
    A game of seek and hide.
    Now that she's older, she will try and
    Suppress what's inside.

    He knows she's helpless and depressed
    But all he does is smile.
    He figures kindness numbs the pain
    If only for a while.

    She smiles back; it takes effort.
    She respects him for trying.
    Even though she knows that within,
    She is simply dying.

    He's running now, like years before
    But now he has a reason.
    He looks for her, but he's not sure
    The city, date or season.

    She wishes she could help him out,
    But she doesn't know, either.
    She's lost herself in her own mind.
    She wishes he could see her.

    He wishes things were like before
    When nothing ever mattered.
    He yearns for love's simplicity;
    The days when he still had her.

    But he knows now that things will never
    Really be the same.
    He knows this round of hide and seek
    Is more than just a game.

    And as he looks, he thinks he sees
    Her smile getting brighter.
    He knows that he can help her out
    If he can only find her.

    And as she shelters her feelings,
    He thinks he understands.
    He thinks he sees past her disguise.
    He knows he understands.

    For now, all he can do is smile,
    But she'll come around.
    If this is more than just a game,
    They both know she's been found.