• I want to see you bare
    To seperate you from your skin
    To tear through your muscles
    To strip you bare to the bone
    I want to crack open your skull
    To hold your mind
    To read your thoughts
    To learn how you work

    I want to see you bare
    Bare to your soul
    Bare to your very essence
    To strip you to nothing but air
    To examine what's left
    That cannot be seen by the naked eye

    I want to see you bare
    To analyse, to scrutinize, to realize
    As you crawl to seek cover
    Trying to conceal yourself from the world
    I want to see you;
    I want to see through you

    I want to see you bare
    Stripped, and left with nothing else
    I want to see you squirm under the light
    I want to watch you struggle
    As you fight for safety
    I want to hear you scream
    As I strip you bare
    To learn who you really are
    Burrowed deep wthin your ashened bones