• She runs for herself
    Her legs are burning
    She runs for her dignity
    Her heart is pumping
    She runs for her body
    Her mind is racing
    She runs for her school
    Her muscles are tensing
    She runs for her love
    Her feet are hurting
    She runs for her chance to be a star
    Her body is sweating
    She runs for the love of the game
    Her legs are gonna give out
    She keeps running
    Her breath is growing shallow
    She’s so close
    Her head is pounding
    Only one slot left
    Adrenaline is flowing through her veins like a raging river
    She wipes the tears from her face.
    She wants that spot
    Her legs finally give out
    ‘No more, no more’ they say
    Her vision is covered with mud and tears
    Did she make it?
    She lifts her head cautiously
    Checking the list in front of her
    48 was posted on the cut list
    She drops her face to the ground
    Letting the mud cover her tear stained identity
    She failed
    After all she gave
    It wasn’t good enough
    She failed herself
    She failed her family
    She failed her friends
    She failed her school
    But worst of all.

    She failed her love for the game.

    And that alone
    Was enough to make her feel
    Lower than the ground she was laying on.