• In an old ragged town
    on a dark stormy night
    the wolves howled a song
    giving everyone a fright

    The streets were bare and empty
    leaves danced along them
    not a soul was out
    this town looked abandon

    The trees moved thier branches
    toward the dark black sky
    but suddenly they stopped
    and something began to cry

    It started as a whimper
    transformed into a howl
    but it changed again
    and ended as growl

    from the trees it came
    slowly creeping to me
    I was getting scared
    because now I could see

    It was a wolf like creature
    with eyes like the moon
    I could feel my death
    it would come soon

    It came closer and closer
    then it stopped with a growl
    jumped up on its hind legs
    and let out a howl

    this is the last
    I will write to you
    because I was killed
    under the bright full moon