• Love being a loss
    not knowing why
    why can't he see
    see what I am
    he who can have all of me
    he already stole my heart

    I'm scared of being hurt
    do I love him or not?
    am I a fool or a wise woman?
    why am I so afraid
    my tears are streaming
    why can't he see what I feel?

    My soul cries for his embrace
    My mind always with him
    My heart always seeking him
    My life surounding him
    My feelings screaming out
    My thoughts always carrying courage

    Who is it who makes love?
    is it cupid or God?
    what belief do I have?
    does love provail?
    why am I torn so?
    does he think of me? I do not know

    shall I be?
    will I be?
    who am I to question those who have the power?
    am I being questioned and tested?
    is he?
    who shall provail?

    my eyes are bluring
    am I crying?
    I do not know
    am I in love?
    how should I know
    what is the answer?

    what is it in me?
    love,joy hope and faith
    who am I wishing for?
    him, God and everyone around me who loves me
    did I find what I am serching for?
    the answer is YES and NO but all will come to me if I'm patient