• I want to apologize
    I know I screwed up
    I want to say sorry
    I want to fix what I messed up

    I don't want to argue
    I never wanted to hurt you
    I want to say you're right
    My arrogance obscured sight

    I'm sorry I'm pathetic
    I'm sorry I can't let go
    If I'm hurt it won't show
    To you I'll stay sympathetic

    I'm happy you're my friend
    I'm sorry I wanted more
    I hope our friendship won't end
    If it does I'll know what for

    I won't ask you to forgive me
    I won't ask you to see like me
    I won't ask you anything
    'cept a single question when I say goodbye

    I fail when I try
    I try when I fail
    and through ignorance
    I made you cry

    I asked you a question
    you don't need to answer
    You'd be right
    No matter what I say

    No matter what I say
    I know I'm gonna pay
    If it's a path to pave
    under the pressure I'll never cave

    I love you
    was never a lie
    I meant every word
    And I will 'till I die

    I let go of that glimmer
    that tiny false hope
    my life won't be dimmer
    I'll deal and cope

    I want to say sorry
    I want to apologize
    and I understand
    If we must say goodbyes