• The night was cool
    When he walked home
    He went in beside her
    He left alone
    Of all the things he'd saved her from
    He couldn't save her from herself
    They couldn't go on together
    Because there was somebody else

    How can our hearts be so fickle?
    They take away more than they give
    Ironic that we need our hearts
    In order to live
    Sometimes we want to tear it out
    Sometimes we're glad it's there
    So light we can't even feel it
    So heavy it's hard to bear

    She watches him go,
    He doesn't look back
    His kind, gentle heart
    Had something she lacked
    They weren't compatible
    She wasn't good enough
    So she stood there empty
    With no one to love

    They see each other
    Now and then
    They don't say a word
    They're not even friends
    He can't understand why she let him go
    She can't understand why he left
    The times they shared together
    Were ones they'd never forget

    One night she needs a friend to talk to
    Tries to call him up and say hello
    He see the number on his caller I.D.
    And doesn't pick up the phone
    She hangs up and thinks "Was I that disposable?
    Is he better off alone?"
    She lies down on her bed and thinks
    How much her emptiness has grown

    She bumps into him
    Again at school
    She tries to explain
    That she was a fool
    He wouldn't listen
    The damage was done
    He stood and delivered
    Now it was time to run

    She sits in the hallway
    Alone and cries
    Then someone walks up
    And wipes the tears from her eyes
    She looks up
    And sees an angels face
    He says "Come on it's time
    For you to leave this place"

    He walks up
    All dressed in black
    Sees her tombstone
    With a golden plaque
    It says "Died of a broken heart
    In two thousand nine."
    For the first time in his life
    He sits and cries

    He knows he misses her
    But he has to move on
    He goes to her locker
    Everything is gone
    He bows his head
    To say his last goodbyes
    When a spot of white
    Catches his eye

    It's a note written with her name at the bottom
    And a teardrop at the top
    It reads "I wish I could take back what I said
    And eveytime I try, I stop
    I know now that nothing that I said
    Is gonna make things right
    So the only thing that I have left to say
    Is my goodbye."