• In the end the people I trust won't help,
    They have their own thing.
    But I shouldn't care,
    I do anyway.
    Why does it hurt so much?
    They really aren't my friends anymore.
    Is it because I've known them for so long?
    Is it because I trusted them,
    and they abused it?
    When I need them the most
    They throw me away.
    When my lover isn't nearby,
    and my friends treat my like trash.
    What do you do?
    Talk to the parents who don't care about you?
    Talk to the teachers who think they know everything?
    What do you do?
    When you only have your reflection to talk to.
    And even then it won't respond.
    in the end, you cry yourself to sleep.
    and wait for a miracle.
    Because you know that tomorrow will be the same.