• A corpse is being shown at the viewing tonight.
    Family and friends and students alike
    Show up to give their last good bye,
    To give their respects to the life passed by.
    The corpse merely wanted to show simple facts;
    To show the result of neglegent acts.

    The signs were evident long before that day.
    No one would listen to what she had to day.
    The cuts on her arm, the mood swings she had.
    It was a losing battle, trying not to be sad.
    She tried medication and therapy, too.
    But nothing she tried seemed to do.

    The fatal day she ended it all,
    She was found at school in a bathroom stall.
    Students and teachers alike had said
    It was the saddest event to go over their heads.
    "It could have been prevented," they still say today,
    As they pass her coffin and to their gods they pray.

    "We all know suicide is a sin, but please keep in mind,
    It was us who left a poor child behind.
    All the pain she felt, we refused to see,
    As she decided this life is what she had to flee.

    "So parents and friends, brothers and sisters alike,
    Students, teachers and peers, tonight.
    When you pass this coffin, don't merely see
    A teenage girl who couldn't stand to be
    A part of this world because the challenges she faced,
    Or any other reason that might solve her case.

    "Look at her and see what we've done.
    Look and see what we've made her become.
    She took her life becuase we chose to neglect
    The feelings and thoughts she could not deflect.
    She is the result of our inhumane behavior.
    None of us even tried to be her savior."

    With that being said, the teacher stepped down.
    As he walked down the aisle, he met a hundred plus frowns.
    Shortly after, the viewing came to an end.
    Everyone left, teachers, family and friends.
    The casket was closed and the lights were dimmed,
    And the night gave way to a new day coming in.