• Through the corner of my eye i watch you breathing

    In and out while my head keeps spinning

    My heart keeps beating faster and faster

    What could be this thing that i am feeling

    You turn towards me as i stand frozen with wonder

    Could he possible know what i am feeling

    Slowly he moves towards me eyes full of wonder

    Breath feels like its coming harder and harder

    You smile sweetly as you ask my name

    Lost for words i just blush at your gaze

    You move the hair from my face and say its alright

    My brain is screaming please get this right

    You look into my eyes and ask me again

    Through a silent voice i tell you my name

    Your smile widens as you start to tell me yours

    Then i am awoken by the nightmare we call day

    I look in the mirror with a tear in my eye

    Saddened by the tease of a love that was never to be mine