• I am torn in between the two.

    My beloved knight is down on his knees. They are bleeding heavily. As I approach him, A giant monster made of pure hatred gets in front of me. I stare into it's crimson red eyes.
    It gets in front of my knight and draws a gate around him and the monster. I cannot heal my knight who is suffering. He falls on the ground. I cry because I cannot go near him. He cries out my name, my heart falls apart as the monster takes him away. The monster yells and he quiets his mouth. I yell his name, my heart is weak, how much more can I take.
    Must he make a choice between me and her.
    It should not be this way because she should respect him.
    He is not a little young one anymore, he knows who he wants.
    My knight is being banned from me, what can I do as his princess?
    Torn in between the two.
    He is confused as the monster gives him an ultimatum. Either me or her.
    My knight cannot answer. Who can? Not you, not me, only the deep part of his heart. He chooses me over her.
    I cannot write him letters, cannot hear his voice over the phone.
    She has trapped my love in a dungeon and will not let him out.
    How will I help him? How can I? His decision was me and now I regret it because it costed him his freedom.
    I'm torn in between the two.
    I want to stay with him, love and cherish him forever as his wife, but on the hand,I don't want to be a major problem since the monster does not want me anywhere her son.

    I've been through everything, so many ups and downs for my love. I've fallen, i'm weak, i cannot stand. I'm now on my knees, begging why am I going through this....the air is quiet and cool. The wind blows and the night sky tells me it will get better. I hug my pillow as my mind fills with ease, knowing that my love is tearing up inside because of this.