• Hope she doesnt see him in my eyes,
    hope she doesnt see him in my heart,
    hope she doesnt see him in my blood,

    If she does I will rip my eyes from my sockets,
    so she will not see his cold, lying eyes,

    If she does then I will pry my heart out and set it afire,
    So she will not hear his acursed heart beat,
    For his heart has no shame to what he has done,

    If she does then I will drain every last drop of blood in my body
    and pour it down the drain,

    Cause my mother doesnt deserve to have a living reminder
    of that man that hurt her so badly...

    Hope she doesnt see my father in me every time she says, "I love you."
    Hope she doesnt see my father in me every passing year that I grow up,
    Hope she doesnt see my father in me one ounce...

    Cause I always want to see her happy.