• Why am I now, what I once was not...
    Why do I ignore others, and leave myself to rot...
    Why am I who I am, why am I what I am not?

    Why have I changed, I will never know...
    No being in this world, could tell me it's not so...
    I have changed who I was, and I have changed to who I am...
    A lonely soul lost in a realm, where no one gives a damn...

    My feelings do not matter, at least to me they don't...
    I have such strong urges to run away, even though I know I won't...
    I hate my life here at home, I hate it more and more each day...
    Looking up towards the sky, hoping these feelings will go away...

    Things change over the course of time,
    people lose their youth, pennies lose their shine...
    I had once, a part of me, a part I left behind,
    and now I've lost the remainder... Of the only thing I could call mine...

    I've lost myself to this world, this realm where mortals hide...
    And now I've lost my soul somewhere deep inside...
    Why am I now, what I once was not...
    The reason, none will ever know, for it is not in our plot...

    Our destiny to live, to die, to be born and breathe again...
    Our story-line written out, from the beginning to the end...
    And so we see each day, through such hopeful eyes...
    But the truth of this world has been covered up, by so many wicked lies...

    Why am I still here, why am I not gone?
    I guess in order to find out, I'll just have to move on...
    To keep going through each day, living with such doubt...
    Not knowing if my mind is here, or if my thoughts are out...

    And so I end this little poem, with a question for you all...
    What has changed in your life, what has been your greatest fall?
    For I know mine, and I know it well...
    I've stayed hidden inside my protective shell...

    But now that armor is starting to crack, and what's inside is so clear...
    For what is inside that shell, is an overwhelming feeling of fear...
    Fear that I will lose myself, and all that I have left...
    Fear that I have lost my life... I'm the victim of a theft...

    Why would they steal my life? Why something so meaningless and small..?
    Why not just kill me... and take nothing at all...
    It will have the same value... same results in the end...
    I'll just lose the rest of me... and someone just might lose a friend...