• I screwed up didn’t I
    Tearing your heart apart.
    Your cold eyes looked at me
    And I knew that it was through.

    Those summer nights of fun
    The skateboarding lessons gone.
    I wont see your smile no more
    Cause you don’t want me no more

    I think about you so much
    The pain that I caused you
    I feel it now don’t you see
    Only ten times worse than you.

    You broke my heart before
    That was an accident
    But your blue eyes told me this time
    It was on purpose and there’s nothing I can do.

    We cant take back those words
    Take back the hurt
    The tears are already cried
    There’s no more going back

    This is it my dear brother
    Four years of friendship gone
    You walked away without looking back
    And left my heart in pieces…..