• It feels strange
    yet somehow invigorating
    Like a patient in the hostipal
    learning to walk once again
    I feel the joy again
    I feel the release once more
    I feel like I have again
    found the key to my soul
    For the longest time
    I sat tugging at the rust door
    the door to my mind
    the door to my heart
    maddness had rusted its hinges
    loneliness had eating away its exterior
    but it stood there, through every rain
    and through every storm
    And know again
    I am opening that door
    I am tugging and pulling as hard as I can
    to release the feelings and thoughts I locked away
    The door is opening again
    little by little
    The dust from the rust falling to the floor
    the paint ripping off from my efforts
    the door as cracked open
    and while the feeling is not as strong as it use to be
    it is there
    like a tiny flame in the darkness of night
    it is there
    and so tenderly and gengerly
    I began to aquiant myself once again
    with the feeling, with the passion
    with the power
    Like the old master drawing his sword again
    like the aged painter picking up his dusty brush
    Like the man learning to walk again
    I learning to write once again

    ....just like the very first time