• I have no reason to live,
    I'm nothing more than an actor.
    I portray myself up on that screen,
    I'm the worst movie to ever come out.

    I'll definitely win an oscar,
    If only for being the worst,
    In a joke, I'm the punchline,
    It as though I have been cursed.

    People want a jester,
    Well, what could be funnier than my life?
    Ripped, in 'twain, fall, and lain,
    Greed, no gain, cry, no rain,
    Need, disdain, die, no pain.
    It's just a movie, after all.

    I'm well-known in these parts,
    Just ask around and it's true.
    For who else could play these roles,
    You need someone not better than you.

    Gimme a pen, for I am author,
    Though I can write not a jot,
    The critics, they love me,
    But I'm pathetic, so how could they not?

    People want a smelly bum,
    Well, look at my future if I stay in my own life!

    Some spare change, ma'am?
    Just enough so I can eat?
    "Another Oscar-winning performance"
    The jobless, total dead-beat.

    The curtain goes down, Cyanide for me,
    Watch the audience howl with glee,
    There's nothing left, last performance to see,
    But can't reach that jar, to make me free.

    People want somebody to kick, and jeer at,
    That's the reason why I exist, and can never leave,
    This sad and lonely puppet theatre.