• I'll trick the noobs,
    I'll trick them all!
    My cheap prices,
    Are lowest than a mall,
    So come to my shop
    and buy what you can!
    Before it's all gone!
    Come now you man!
    I'm lowest in wiz,
    I'm lower than his,
    so come on and all
    No need no check prices
    For mine are the cheapest!
    (Welll. No they're not, but I won't tell you that!)
    From doughnuts to petpets
    to secret lab pieces,
    There's lots o' stuff to go around,
    so buy buy buy and spread the word 'round town.
    Oh, hey, what's that you say?
    I'm overpriced?
    Get outta my life!
    I told you not to check,
    You disobeyer,
    So go buy more things
    for my shop is safer!