• As Life Goes On

    It all began in May
    Words cant feel what I should say
    If i'd go deep back in time
    There'd be no need to write this rhyme
    A machine that travels fast
    To all the things i regret last
    I'd need it without a doubt
    To make my face not have a pout
    It just began in school, while i was walking
    Was i cool?
    So then i threw a cap
    And accidently hit "his" back
    So he came, yeah he was mad
    Caught a fit like he was bad
    Then my head started to spin
    Thoughts came out I know id win
    So then the moment came intense
    He manage to break my common sense
    So here i am going wild
    While he's looking like a child
    Then a teacher came our way
    Oh my GOODNESS what a day!
    So i pushed him to the wall
    Did not know that he would fall
    In the office had a talk
    Then they told me take the walk
    Now im here just at my house
    Just from getting all aroused.

    I got suspended for 6 months
    Due to "Physical Harrassment" of a Staff member
    Which i did not mean to hurt him so if i could go back in time
    And avoid throwing anything on accident and losing my temper to push hmi out the way
    I deff. wouldent be here typing this >.<
    But life goes on as if nothing happened.