• Through the lonely nights,
    Where my tears came as rain.
    Into the darkness I cried,
    But still no answer.

    Remembering lost days
    Of happiness and joy.
    It truly is amazing,
    How time changes everything.

    I left some behind,
    I've met new people too.
    But it's never the same.
    I'm always alone.

    In this everlasting dream,
    Of eternity alone.
    I find peace over the years,
    In this friendly nightmare.

    I call out,
    See if someone is still there.
    But no one answers.
    No one cares to look back.

    Look back at the failure.
    The lonely, fallen girl.
    The one that gave her all for them.
    But they didn't notice.

    The girl who gave her life,
    Gave her all to protect.
    She protects even those who hate her,
    Even those she hates herself.

    the girl that tried her best,
    Just to see smiling faces.
    Even though,
    She couldn't smile herself.

    She had a broken heart that never healed.
    But pushed forward for everyone.
    The girl that stood next to you,
    When no one was there.

    The one who said I'll be there.
    And actually ment it.
    For everyone else,

    That girl is me.
    I gave my life, gave my all.
    But no one cared.
    I protected everyone.

    Don't you think I deserve
    A better place than this?
    To still be that little lost girl,
    Helping others who might help her.

    But everyone turned their backs to her.
    Because she wasn't good enough.
    Even though she tried so hard,
    It just wasn't ever enough to please...