• she sits alone
    and watches her tears fall down through the cracks
    of the bamboo floor beneath her.
    "story of my life,"she thinks
    while another tear falls down.
    she thinks about her life,
    and starts to frown.
    she pulls out the razor
    from under her bed
    to relieve herself from the pain
    of the thoughts in her head.
    swirling,twirling around faster they spin
    and as her blood hits the floor she knows
    her depression will win.
    she sits alone,
    thinking all hope is dead,
    when he climbs through the window,
    looks at the razor,then at her arm,
    then walks over swiftly and hugs her
    before anything is said.
    "i'm sorry," she whispers as the tears start to come
    "it's ok," he replies, "i'll help you through this."
    she starts to ask why,but he already knows,
    "because you're my girl,my only special one."
    she blushes as he wipes her tears away,
    and smiles warmly as he cleans up her wrist,
    then leans in closely,kisses her lips
    and her eyes scream "i love you"
    she knows that he knows...
    so there's nothing that she needs to say.