• Today is the day.
    The day i shall die.
    Im wearing my gown,
    With my head held up high.

    I dont know the outcome,
    Or what this will bring.
    All i know,
    Is that it must be me.

    I step up to the edge,
    I take a glance down.
    I see nothing but traffic,
    In my small little town.

    I take my last step,
    And let out my breath.
    I close my eyes,
    And await my death.

    I feel no air,
    Have i fallen yet?
    Or perhaps I am dead,
    But i dont feel wet?

    I open my eyes,
    And see you leaning in.
    My hand in yours,
    And then it begins.

    You try to save me,
    You call out my name.
    I start to cry,
    As i feel the shame.

    You pull me up,
    And hold me in your arms.
    I feel your embrace,
    Yet feel no alarm.

    "you're safe i have you,
    there's no need to cry.
    I'll be here forever,
    I won't let you die."

    "But why would you want me?
    I'm nothing special.
    I'm my own enemy,
    I'm always lethal..."

    And again you embrace me,
    You whisper three words.
    I start to feel weak,
    But i say my last words.

    "I love you"

    "I love you too"

    And now we're together,
    In eternal bliss.
    We stand there in heaven,
    And make one last kiss.

    Today is the day,
    The day i shall die.
    But only one could love me...
    For all of my life....