• Wherefor art thou my angel?
    Broken and misguided....
    I sense a loneliness upon thy world,
    As thy smile fades.
    Plucketh thy wings, and mask thy scars...
    We vanish into morning mist.
    By a cloud of tears,
    the midnight glare
    I feareth the end.
    Behold, I've come to comfert thee.
    Behold, I've come to comfert thee.
    Alas, we remain
    But broken, we layeth apart
    In an infinite dream.
    Can not thy eyes see?
    Nay, my voice silenced...
    Can not be heard.
    I love thee my dear...
    Forget me not,
    As the sun leaves
    Approach the storm...
    Alas the moon departs.
    Behold, I've come to comfert thee.
    Behold, I've come to comfert thee.