• death is peaceful?
    is it really?
    can we only imagine good in death?

    death maybe
    not so beautiful
    not so pretty
    not so peaceful

    the light!
    i can see it
    as i lie in my bed

    as i reach for the light
    my family hears
    the wails of a banshee
    one family member dies
    and they were warned

    still reaching for the light
    my soul is lifted
    my body is still
    my arms dropped

    i follow the light
    when soon
    darkness takes over

    the light
    soon disapears
    now a blaze
    and turns dark

    the light faded away
    i fall
    and fall
    back down
    but now lower than earth

    takes me in
    soon swallowed into the darkness
    and now set in flames

    and burn
    i shall do

    my family members
    back on earth
    make no funeral
    just a coffin
    and burry me

    they soon think
    i am in a better place
    but am i really?

    pressed against
    the walls of hell
    flames cover every part of
    my soul

    why assume
    that everything will be good when you die?
    that light that you see can fade

    so as my
    last tears
    fall from the
    face of my soul
    they are soon
    dried by the flames of hell