• Its dwindling.
    Keep in touch,
    before you lose interest.
    Im almost transparent,
    and barely on your mind,
    i think...
    but thats how it is with mine.
    Soon it will be like we never existed.
    And someone else is what your thinking of,
    and i know im not of you...
    besides right now,.. and when i recieve scraps of a message.
    Keep your heart icy,
    and keep me warm,
    think of our fingers innertwined,
    remember the butterflies.
    Recall what i gave you, what was originally mine,
    and that you kept taking yours back under your insecurities.
    Eroding my sanity grain by grain.
    Only god knows im not lieing.
    But still i fight.
    Cause losing you could mean losing life.
    But believe it,
    let it soak in,
    know honestly
    my word is golden.