• Is anybody there?
    I feel so alone.
    The darkness surrounds me,
    Creeping closer and closer...
    Until I am consumed.
    I am totally without essence,
    Without existence,
    Without life.

    Can anybody hear me?
    I scream in the darkness,
    Begging, praying
    For a rescuer.
    Who will be my hero?
    Will I even have one?
    Am I to sit here in eternity,
    Forever afraid?

    Will anybody listen?
    My fearful cries have silenced
    As I realize
    No person is coming.
    I ponder on what infinity is,
    Finally knowing.
    It is simple...
    It is all there is to be.

    Does anybody realize?
    I know the answer to life.
    Of course, it isn't like anyone would listen.
    I have the cure, the answer,
    To everything!
    All you have to do
    Is wait.
    Have I known this all along?

    Did anybody notice?
    Was I brilliant beyond compare?
    I do not know.
    Is it possible?
    How could it be, to get to this point in life?
    Is the key to finding everything
    Just sitting. waiting,
    Alone in the darkness?

    Is anybody like me?
    I think the answer is no,
    Nobody is like me.
    They cannot be like me
    Without being with me, here where I am.
    As no person is here, it isn't a possibility.
    Because there is nothing here.
    Or is there?

    Is anybody out there?
    I scream into the darkness
    I hear no answer
    Until there is a screaming in the distance.
    I feel myself moving
    Towards the source of the noise.
    I feel a warmth.
    A touch a hand.

    Can anybody find us?
    Me and this stranger child?
    We are scared of the nothingness
    It is... blank
    There is nothing but silence
    As we sit
    Waiting... waiting...
    Expecting everything with nothing to expect at alll.

    Will anybody come?
    Can there be a savior now?
    As me and the child wait
    We see a light
    Could it be?
    Is it true?
    Can we finally be saved?
    Do we want to?

    Can anybody see us?
    I know that they can.
    I can see them.
    They are waiting, reaching for us.
    Finally, we go.
    We finally look at eachother.
    We are shocked at what we see.
    We are the same.

    Does anybody see it?
    Me and the other me
    Are so alike a blind man could see
    Is there a difference?
    How did this happen?
    I ask myself the question, knowing the answer.
    We are the same.
    It was the darkness.

    Could anybody not notice?
    We are so different, yet so alike
    Fear comes flooding back.
    Is it possible?
    The eternal black was that powerful?
    Being alone together
    In the darkness
    We became so same inside, we duplicated our outer selves.

    And now I know.