• Frightened by the light
    I’m trying to get past
    But for every step I take
    Another one knocks me back
    I get up on my feet
    And I hope
    That I can make it
    That I can make all
    All my dreams come true

    Just to make it one more year
    Seems like its not worth all those tears
    Love the ones i hold dear
    Keep them in my heart
    Believe i have no fears
    And I will

    I will take that step
    Put away my fears
    Wipe away my tears
    I won’t let myself be knocked back
    Even when I lost all hope
    I will not give up
    Just keep moving on
    Hope for the better days
    And I will
    Make my dreams happen
    Be who I wanna be
    Do what I was meant to do
    Live life the way I want
    Be everything I can be

    So don’t be frightened by the light
    Don’t lose hope when all seems lost
    And when you fall down
    Just get right back up on your feet
    So you can see what we were meant to be