As he sat upon her wooden floor,
and watched the kitchen's wooden door.
He waited so for her to show,
so they would be ready to go.
To the prom of their senior year,
with so much drama and so much fear.
She stared in wonder at the hall,
as all the students had a ball.
He took her hand and held it tight,
and told her gently she was his light.
So as they went to start their dance,
with much courage he took his chance.
He kissed her hand with a gentle smile,
and stared into her lovely eyes for awhile.
He let her go and walked away,
and told her to follow and not to stay.
So as she ran to take his side,
she felt the felling of a lovers pride.
He took her hands one by one,
and soon enough the song was done.
The prom was over with out a sound,
besides the roaring cars on the ground.
So when they got home on that night,
and under the glow of the full moons light.
He told her kindly to look away,
he held her hands and all he could say.
Is that he loved her with all his heart,
and this present was a start.
He placed a box in her hands,
and said this is where he stands.
As she opened the little box,
and saw the ring engraved with the fox.
She smiled so happily and began to cry,
and asked him shockingly why.
And all he did was hold her tight,
and told her again she was his light.
Never went to prom..
but it seemed like a ok subject
to write about
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