• [/colorThe moon rises
    I waite for you
    to come to me
    I am ready for you.
    My heart races
    as I remember our last embrace and
    The way you touched me.
    I waite almost impatiently.
    My finger tips brush my throat.
    Why did you choose me?
    I do not understand.
    Yet reasons are uneeded now
    when I am almost yours.
    Now it is only a matter of time.
    The blood in my heart is different.
    I no longer feel the same.
    I watch my skin grow paler.
    Above all else I hear your footsteps as you approach me
    My desire for you is uncontrolable.
    I must have you!
    Your hunger for me deepens.<>
    I know you are behind me
    You will me to turn around.
    When I do,nothing else seems to matter.
    Our desire is fierce.
    Your eyes plead with me.
    You ask,"Is this what you really want?"
    I trace my finger across your lips to silence you.
    You kiss it gently.
    My fingers find their way into your hair.
    I feel your breath upon my neck.
    Desire surges through me.
    I am impatient for you to take me.
    Your hesitation confuses me.
    I know you want me.
    I plead with you,
    "Please take me!"
    I feel your kiss.
    Your first tentative penetration.
    As you withdraw, I hear you moan.
    Blood flows on my skin.
    Tears drop frome my eyes.
    And you kiss them away.
    Embracing me tighter
    You once again caress my throat.
    I feel your mouth where your hand was.
    I gasp as you penetrate me completely.
    My last human memory is you,sucking my life's blood
    as I come in slow waves.
    You withdraw frome me.
    and tell me I am dying.
    Cutting open a place above your heart
    you pull me close and i drink back my life.
    Our hearts beat together
    as our union is completed.
    The sheets are stained with my blood
    My lips are stained with our love.
    I am completely yours
    As my new life begins
    and my old one slips away.
    You hold me in your arms
    and tell me how mch you love me.
    The sky outside lightens
    and you carry me to your bed.
    Laying me down beside you
    in satin and lace.
    The tears slide down my cheeks
    and you kiss them away.
    Our love will last forever.
    We will never die.
    We are immortal~you and I.]