• Here I Stand
    Looking at a man
    Broken, Beaten and Bruised
    Unmoving and Transformed
    The rain falls heavily around us

    I feel it dripping down my face
    Drenching me to the bone

    But not even this nights’ cold wind chills me
    As deeply as this broken man’s gaze.

    His lips part
    I hear a noise
    A cry of pain

    His heart he yells
    His heart is dead

    His eyes are soul less
    Broken and scorned
    Those of a forsaken lover

    A chill runs down my spine
    Sparked by fear of those eyes
    I take a step back,
    He takes one forward
    And so goes this dance

    I feel that every step I take is one closer to hell
    A hell this man knows all to well
    Here I stood
    Rain falling, Drenching me to the bone
    His gaze chilling me to my very soul

    There he stood
    Rain falling, Drenching him to the bone
    Heart aching, killing him slowly