• The wind doust blow

    Across thy sea

    Sending thy love

    Straight to me

    Though thy love

    Is returned

    To a heart

    That always burns

    For a simple kiss

    Is what thy needs

    For if so not thy

    Heart will bleed

    For any other

    Hand in mine

    Would simply

    Be a prickly vine

    For it is your touch

    That will do the most

    But sadly now

    That idea’s a ghost

    A ghost to which

    I can not slay

    A ghost to which

    Will has much to pay

    For end the end you will

    Be mine

    A heart for heart

    And time for time

    And fate once more

    Will thorw hand in

    And it will all begin again

    For precious moments

    Will always be

    A heartbeat less

    For you and me

    Until the time that

    We can be

    In a all great symphony

    For time does pass

    And old does age

    And all around rusts

    The gilded cage

    But one thing

    Will always

    Be true

    The fact is

    that I love you