• Hate emerges as I digress this feeling all day
    Like the clouds hide the moon trying to light up the darkness
    Thoughts can’t destroy what’s destroying itself without reason
    While mistakes can’t be covered with a smiling face
    Anger comes forth in the sound of regret
    As the future hides the ears from all sources
    A tender prayer holds enough fulfillment to last a moment
    While a soft summer breeze flushes away all saddened expressions
    There are minutes where time stops and every thought is replaced
    We’ve replaced our happiness with something lesser
    The glory of experience is who you’ve become
    The time of not knowing is what we’ve left behind
    There have been weeks where I wish I could be something more
    More is just additional, to add up at the end
    What’s believed to be gone never left for a second
    As the distress returns in a flash
    Just as flashes of lightening can burn buildings to the ground
    Words of past notion can come crushing down
    But just as the birds hated the angel
    These feelings are just alike
    The love in hate that was never existent
    That “hate” that allowed the unworthy and worthy to coexist
    Through those darkened eyes, I’ve been watched from the dead of night.