• Here I lie in this docter's bed.
    Not sure alive or if I'm dead.
    The surgery just went from bad to worse,
    then I heard my mother curse.

    Help me, help me

    I'm not sure how long I'll last.
    Will I live in the future, or the past?
    To where I lie the nurse will tend.
    No one sure of when a life will end.

    Help me, help me

    Although the docters may have tried;
    they couldn't save the little boy who died.
    The docters still not know the cause,
    for the little heart to pause.

    Help me, help me

    If you visit the little boys grave.
    You will find a stone upon the pave.
    The stone there says "I lost my love, and died in denial;
    My only love, My greatest trial."