• Shugotenshi it’s who I am
    Your Guardian Angel from Heaven
    I will protect you, always
    Especially on those, cloudy days
    When your feeling blue, you’re feeling down
    And it seems that everything around,
    You, are starting to turn grey
    And you just want to get on your knees and pray
    That your luck will start to rise
    That people will hear your cries
    That you had someone to talk to
    Someone who knew what you were talking about
    Someone to trust so you could let it out
    Well that’s what I’m here for
    Making sure you don’t step into that door
    Of hate, of regret, of pain
    Here to make sure you stay sane
    I’ll promise to always protect and love you
    But you have to make a promise too
    A promise to never lose yourself
    To keep hold of who you really are
    You promise and I won’t be far
    I’ll always be close to your heart
    And nothing will be able to set us apart