• Love is a strong emotion we all go through
    Some take it harder than others
    Some of us chose to hold too long to someone
    Rather than losing them
    Which only makes the pain worse
    Others chose not to become attached
    Which is an extreme devotion
    to ones self and said to be less painful
    love is about careing and trust
    I was in love with someone
    I thought they loved me
    they said i was their world
    If i was their world why did they leave me?
    Was it something i said?
    Or was it not ment to be?
    Love is a painful emotion
    one i rather live without
    i cant keep going through the pain
    of heartbreak
    i thought he was the one
    he was the world to me
    i gave him my heart and he broke it
    without remorse or regret
    i still belive he is the one
    my heart wants him
    but i know i cant have him
    which fills my heart with regret and dispear
    for now it will eternally ache for him
    but will never be satisifyed
    cause i cant have him
    now or ever