• as i look out the window of my car i think of how all this wasted city land was once a beautiful meadow, with wild animals roaming the ground. thousands of buffalo hunted and killed for sport. the animals used to think they were the hunters, but they were wrong. how can we live our lives knowing animals are dying? our lands, our sky. our water. all of it. is being wasted. rotting away. its sickning to see all this. i hate it. i hate how people can be soooo....dumb! they throw the garbage, smokes. drinks. everything on the ground and just leave it. what do they think will happen? someone else will pick it up? no! it blows away and gets caught up in the forests or in lakes and rivers. its just plain disgusting! people revolt me with the way they act and treat our earth! and look at whats happening, the earth we live on is dying! way to ******** go people!