• I can feel him near.
    "I'm here"
    I turn around, to be dissaponted.
    For he's not there.

    He holds my hand.
    "Please understand".
    But i cant, I cant seam to think.

    I feel his memories rush through my mind.
    How he all left them behind.
    "I want you back" I say.

    But he has gone.
    To a place i cant see.
    To a place where nothing is meant to be.

    He has left me all alone.
    Left me with nothing but a broken home.
    Where silence speaks through the walls.
    Where everything good seams to fall.

    So as i sit here and look at you.
    I wonder is it true?
    Is it true that you lied.
    That all you wanted was to run and hide?