• The Mad moon presides
    O’re streets that shudder and dance to the wail of heartless sirens
    And spiders scuttle in the bitter corners of my mind
    Dementia reigns.
    Taking triumph with each hopeless gasping breath.
    Streetlights scorn the solemn stars, crooning ballads to suicidal cities.
    And all humanity is vast . . . and purposeless . . . and fallen
    To deliver a crushing blow to the reeling world
    The Cruel Take pleasure in pain and
    The Victims, are becoming cruel too
    Till our sins stem from the sins of others
    And corruption is the inevitable tale of damnation.
    For a warped mirror cannot force itself to reflect the truth.
    Cannot purge itself of its own distortions.
    My heart flickers with horror
    As Cassandra saw Troy burn and her people slaughtered
    I see my people drowning, drowning in the wild abandon of greed
    Drowning in DVDs, CDs, jewelry, and perfume
    Drowning in T-shirts, hunting rifles and condominiums
    Drowning in SUVs, widescreen TVs, barbecues and fast-food
    We wrap our corpses in shrouds of denim
    And pledge allegiance to Visa, MasterCard and cold cruel cash.
    And in our gluttony we doom ourselves
    To centuries of petty violence and indifference
    To legions of empty soldiers.
    To a culture of withered hearts and atrophied minds.
    And the fiery pits of hell are standing room only.
    Eyes glitter malevolently in the dull crimson light.
    The gibbering of the hopeless and homeless is soundtrack
    To our deranged empty lives,
    Where reality yearns to become fiction.