• I hear the bell ring
    I’m tired as hell
    My arms and legs are jelly
    There’s a ringing in my ears
    I’m surprised I make it to my corner
    On the other side of the cage
    I feel water pouring down my face
    The cut man is working on me
    I could feel that he is trying to stop me bleeding
    I don’t know where, but I could feel it sting
    I see my trainer in front of me
    “You alright,” he asks ever so calmly
    I only smile; he knows the answer
    “You won that round, just one more,” I hear him say
    But in the back of my head I think
    “Are you insane?
    I can’t do that again
    I’m way too tired
    He is way too powerful
    I can’t, I can’t, I can’t”
    But I simply smile at him and say
    “One more round, one more round.”