• I have wronged you many times over again
    For this I am sorry my heart you did not win.
    I held it for you for as long as I could, not knowing that you did all you would.
    Giving up on me is what it seems
    This my heart does not ream.
    I am in love with someone else I never thought possible
    You in my heart was the only thing probable.
    I am so sorry if I hurt you cause I know I did,
    I am sorry because you fell in love with an immature kid.
    I have grown a bit in my little time
    So I decide to write you this little rhyme.
    Mourning I am because it was a great love thrown away
    I pray for the day that I won't envy myself anyway.
    I hold you still in my heart believe it or not
    But your faith is not what is trying to be bought
    Only forgiveness if you could
    Just look at it as a love misunderstood.
    I look back on that day when I got off that bus
    Only regret in my heart left a little lust.
    I am more sorry then you could ever know
    This one regret I can never show
    For in love with someone else it seems I may be,
    Knowing your love was not meant for me.
    But someone else that is so much better
    So that your heart will no longer wither.
    Tears in my eyes as I truly let you go
    No hope left for my love to show.
    I am so sorry but my heart you can not win
    Even though I grieve for our love that was lost
    Still knowing the risk to big of a cost
    Just know I am happy and I wish you the same
    Even though a part of my heart you will always keep maimed.