• As I go into my room....
    I get a razor start cutting into my vains.
    Feeling the pain......Why cant I be with you...
    Thought you loved me was i wrong?
    The pain is great.....I want to die....Dont want to live no more.
    Knowing you are with some other girl and not with me...
    My body will soon go numb as the vains are breaking...
    My body had suffored enough....WHen I cut into my vains and feel the pain
    I scream your name....Wishing you would hear it....But I know you cant..
    As I fall to the ground I drop the razor....Blood going everywere....
    My body slowly going weak....My body slowly gonig numb...
    My time is running out...I close my eyes...
    My body is starting to breath less.....As I slowly die off...
    I try an scream your name one more time but it is too late..
    I just lay there not breathing not moving....No more sufforing...no more pain...
    No more screaming your name...