• I sat by him
    I saw into his heart
    he wasnt here no more
    we were far apart

    I looked up
    and that wasnt him
    that wasnt the boy
    I loved scence i was ten

    beads of tears
    fell from my eyes
    no, this is not him
    this poser has to die

    I looked up at him
    and started to stare
    he looked down at me
    and gave me a death glare

    he told me he didnt want
    to be more then friends
    but even that
    has come to an end

    he was all I loved
    and all I had left
    but in his changed heart
    I could not find a place to fit

    I had no other choice
    I needed him back
    or forever my heart
    will turn coal black

    I opened up my sack
    and pulled out my gun
    I held it to my head
    I should just get up and run

    he could have told me no
    he should of pulled it away
    but he got up and left
    he didnt want to stay

    I pulled the triger
    and shot my head
    he stopped to watch
    as I blead and blead

    he ran over to me
    and started to cry
    I completed my goal
    because the poser just died