• In Her Perfect Little World

    here and now, there is this girl, in her perfect little world.
    problems come, and leave tomorrow.
    not a thought, no pain or sorrow.
    oblivious to those around, in her perfect little world.

    no sense runs through the mind, in her perfect little world.
    cannot see the affects of actions.
    all affected lies in ashes.
    left alone, wander free, in her perfect little world.

    take a look through her eyes, in her perfect little world.
    her child's never ending cries, turned into sweet lullabies.
    sound of screaming, breaking, smashing,
    she escapes to her perfect little world.

    run away from the truth, in her perfect little world.
    house is full of hurt and dismay,
    yet so little she decides to say.
    things are not what they seem, in her perfect little world.