• My heart is on fire.
    It burns bright as day.
    It's been in pieces,
    since he went away.

    No words left unspoken.
    No kisses left unkissed.
    No clues to help reveal,
    am I even missed?

    His voice is so soft,
    it plays through my mind.
    The way he soothes me,
    it's like a well made bind.

    His arms all around me,
    his lips to my neck.
    Keeps me wanting more,
    more soft little pecks.

    His smile so fake,
    but it plays me like a violin.
    And those words he speaks,
    the web of lies he does spin.

    What I fool I've become,
    soiled in this pain.
    The spit from my rivals,
    it showers me like rain.

    The laughs seem to taunt me now,
    taunt me as I cry.
    The foul things they say,
    they make me want to die.

    Piece by piece he breaks my heart,
    and leaves me here for dead.
    In reality he'd laugh,
    saying it's just in my head.

    The friends turn against me,
    it all comes crashing down.
    But this single strip of string,
    dangles me high above the ground.

    Upon the gound is this pot,
    holding death in it's core.
    But the way he plays me out,
    it makes me wish I had more.

    Nothing I can do can save me,
    I'm caught in his lies.
    He's the spider and I the insect,
    and all my hope dies.

    He comes in close,
    I let out a scream.
    His voice is taunting me,
    "Things aren't always what they seem."

    Then my eyes fly open,
    and I jerk up in bed.
    I'm still holding on to the pain,
    letting it replay in my head.

    My mother asks "What's wrong?",
    but I can't seem to hear.
    He's gone from my life,
    heartbreak my biggest fear..