• You ask me for my heart, which you expect me too give,
    but if I give it freely, how do you expect me too live?
    You want me to surrender, before the battle has even began,
    Isn't that like building a shelter before you even reach land?
    Light surronds my bleak, dark soul attempting to get within,
    but my stubborness is stronger, and won't let any in.

    The reason why? The light is tainted, with curses hidden inside,
    camoflauged like a snake among the morning dew,
    you tell me rules strickly written by which I must abide.
    I'd rather lay amongst the forest, and hear the birds coo,
    yet I am forced by the world to take a single side.
    All those blinding lights surround me, each a different hue.

    I do not fear the darkness, it silences the sound,
    and protects me from the voices that echo all around.
    For while the light is always different, the darkness is the same.
    I am labeled evil, persecuted always, and under constant blame.
    They just don't understand the light amongst the black,
    I'm there to help, to guide the lost, though I myself am damned.